ALWAYS have a contract.

I had a client that for some reason just refused to pay me out of the blue after being unresponsive.

I'm going through arbitration right now but DAMN it's expensive.

I almost wanna just say fuck it and let it go but I'm in too deep now.

Even if I win I'll only get about 1/3 of the money I should have.

I know I should pick my battles but what can I say I'm petty about my money.🤷‍♂️

I bet you won't hear any business "guru" talking about this.

Such is life.

@basedbagel I understand it is industry standard to secure 35% before work is begun....?
Perhaps itnis a good exercise in going through the motions, in the event it happens again with another client who refuses to pay. Now you know what to do...


Your right that's on me but it was my 1st big client and I still didn't really know what I was doing.

It's all good l, better to learn early.

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