
I'm not an anarchocapitalist so I don't think taxation is Theft.

But paying 33% of my income to a government that doesn't serve my interests while driving over potholes every day is CRIMINAL

@basedbagel If it worked many would not complain. But when you pay so much in taxes for state. But only thing state does increase government workers and increase them salary multiple times of average wage.

Another problem these pieces of shit create their owns loopholes to steal and milk money from everything.

They do not care about anything only themself. Even when they ruin the country next day and lose everything they will want only more money.


Well said. If I had my way I would lay off half of gov workers and lower taxes.

And if you're gonna have high taxes, at least fix basic shit like potholes!

Let me at least have the illusion my money is going towards something productive

@basedbagel Too much useless people. They do not understand anything only how to fuck the system. But they have zero idea about other stuffs.

I do not know how they can be so stupid. There is only so much milk they can make from the cow daily. NO more will come out even if they try to.

Like yesterday I read on antiwork reddit and they talked how some people will sacrifice saving some money to ruin excelent going business. Inthe comments is story about brewery goodtoo

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