@Tfmonkey How did you first come to the conclusion to repeal the 19th with such rampant censorship and disinformation?

I try to research things now and it's a giant pain in the ass to cut through the noise.

@basedbagel I simply traced the problem back to the point of origin.



But Do you have a process or some way to filter through the bullshit faster?

For example When I first saw your Men vs women IQ I went to do my own research.

Every single source was saying the same leftist bullshit.

I had to dig deep and find a random quora page to find a non-cucked answer.

Also I looked like a sperg trying to explain to people hat the left was manipulating the search engines.

It's exhausting

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey use Yandex, it was created by Russian shitlibs but actually doesn't censor
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