
I changed my mind on subjective morality.

Morality must be objective. Why?

1. Most people are psychologically incapable of creating their own meaning.

2. Most people struggle following rules that aren't absolutes/idiot-proof.

3. Most people lack the discernment to make good long term decisions for themselves and their community.

I'm not a Muslim but Sharia law has rhe right idea.

· Edited · · Fedilab · 2 · 1 · 0

@basedbagel How do you tie all your arguments to justify the existence of one penultimate Morality?

Can you give us axioms of ethics you're confident nothing on Earth can disagree to be the right things to do? It takes just one voice disagreeing to discount your objective Morality.


I'm making a social observation, not stating a fact.

If youre not religious then morality is obviously subjective, thats undebatable.

What I'm saying is you can't run a functional society based on subjective morality while 95% of people can vote.

~85% of people dont care about freedom and need to be told clearly what to do at all times.

When given a choice they will pick the wrong one. Hence the necessity of objective morality to hold people accountable and avoid semantics.



The masses crave certainty and the moment they get scared they go crazy.

Exhibit A: Normie panic created a toilet paper crisis out of thin air.

Exhibit B: Colonial pipeline got hacked and normie panic created a gas shortage

Exhibit C: They not only took the jab but called for the unvaccinated to be murdered and JAILED because they were scared.

These people are insane and need to be controlled with strict rules or they'll use semantic nonsense like saying abortion isn't murder.


@basedbagel Like many stupid people. For example in my Country Czech Republic we got rid of communists at the end of 20th century and there is too many people who would want to go back.

They do not want to have responsibility. They want to only buy few products without them making choice. Hear news from one channel shop at one place and buy only one car.

Many normies want be herd and nothing more so communism is their best choice.

I have respect only for individualists that want to be free


Imagine wanting to go back to communism. SMH 🤦🏻‍♂️

I thought this was just a western problem but clearly it's just human nature... Everyone isn't meant to have power.

I don't like to admit it but it seems like some are meant to be ruled

@basedbagel @Stahesh your observations are correct. Masses want to be protected and lead.

Though morality is subjective (to the free thinker) it must be presented to the follower as objective.

@redmaple @Stahesh

Exactly, it pains me to admit but that's the red pill.

Like it or not you can't unsee once you see the truth.

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