My dad told me years ago that when I get older I'll lose all my friends once they get married.

I got really pissed and strongly disagreed.

Fast forward a decade and I've officially lost all my friends to the almighty pussy.

I hate admitting boomers were right..

@sardonicsmile I wish I wasn't but I'm an extrovert so this meme terrifes me.

I like people alot but I fell too far down the rabbit hole and my interests are either too niche or too taboo to discuss with most people.

Oh well, at least I still have the internet.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile yeah I’m an introvert so I’ve never really had a big social circle or a group of friends. I was happy just having one good friend to talk to; but I can see now that I don’t really have friends in real life anymore. Honestly it does get lonely not having that many people to talk too, especially about the things you want to talk about.




"especially about the things you want to talk about."

That's right there is why I can't get off the internet.

If we had real free speech I wouldbt be here id be discussing philosophy and technological trends with real people.

It's a shame no one cares about intellectual pursuits unless it's tendy or makes $$.

I've burnt enough bridges trying to red pill normies you'd have to send me to Guantanamo bay for me to admit what I know in real life.

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