
Stoicism is being tested heavily today.

2 people that snaked me are now doing 4X better than me at life.

I know I shouldn't envy them but... It's hard man

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@basedbagel The lesson here is that karma isn't real. The people who lie, cheat and steal end up winning based solely on their psychopathic drive to use their fellow humans as a stepladder.

@basedbagel The system is for cheaters liers not meritocrasy. But while more you have more the goverment will try to take everything you have while less you have is easier going under radar just manage your work load dont raise your cortisol lvs if you wont get a big green for it. Heath is way more important than Weath.

@basedbagel you should look up to them and respect their greatness like rollo. Or not give a fuck like TFM or figure it out for yourself.


Repsect the greatness of being a traitor? Nah Im good

I know I shouldn't care but its annyoiing to see people rewarded for immoral acts

@basedbagel morality is subjective nigger, killing babies is subjective, blacks and whites are equal

@basedbagel vampire pussy is best pussy it's the huwyte and the coldest. Like the French.


What are you TALKING about?!

First of all vampire pussy is demonic and disgusting.

I don't want bitches sucking my blood literally and figuratively.

And TBH white bitches fell off.

In 2023 its about asian and habesha hoes.

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