So the recession knocked me on my ass and I lost all my clients....

Moral of the story don't quit your dayjob I gusss.

Laugh at me if you want IDGAF i took a risk.

I have no regrets and no debt.


In hindsight, what would have tipped it into success?

A business partner, more money, better marketing, better product/service, more knowledge/skill?


@UncleIroh Good question!

Here are some off the top of my head.

1. Better product differentiation. If what you do anyone can easily, copy, they will do so and drive down prices.

2. Higher margins. Starting out I was cheat to get clients but it bit me in the ass because I couldn't afford help as I scaled.

3. Consistent marketing: Once I hit a decent amount of clients I coasted which wasn't wise. When I lost all my clients I had no leads because I spent all my time serving my current ones.

· · Web · 1 · 2 · 0


I can totally see why/how humans will be replaced by AI workers.

When it's possible as a business owner to rent or buy an AI capable of:
1. providing realtime business analysis and decision support

2. picking up the slack and smoothing out scaling/logisitics

3. dynamically handling the various marketing tasks, or

4. spotting arbitrage windows

then it's game over for most people, and game on for some. I think it's coming.

@UncleIroh I can see it as well at least for small businesses.

The only "employees" I needed were tax professionals for small biz like mine and a couple contractors here and there.

But I don't see this happening for big businesses because its worth it for them to have warm bodies and someone to blame if things go wrong.

Also I foresee our stunning and brave voters voting for a human quota for businesses over a certain size.


I agree that this will be an octane boost for the small startup, no doubt.

BUT, if the AI workers are leased from a global corp instead of run from an open source version wholly owned by the startup then we have will have created a monster.

The global corps will have their leased workers phoning home & have access to all downstream Intellectual Property & we will be under constant threat of worker termination & lawfare. In essence, digital feudalism.

Not the W we think it is.

@UncleIroh Thats terrifying I didn't even consider that.

FOSS AI is must and we have to be willing to die about it.

Though the cynic in me only sees this affectitng men.

They will stop at noting FIND something for these hoes to do.

Just look at HR


Given that AGI will be here within the 5-15 years, and given the clearly stated goals of globalists wrt workers, FOSS AI is absolutely essential for all our futures.

The looming issue for us as a whole is not some kind of bullshit "muh capitalist exploitation", but simple irrelevance, hence the term "useless eaters".

I will always use FOSS for personal/business uses & will always financially/technically support such efforts.


Even then, if I feel a technology is a net negative on real, living communities, I cannot support it.

@UncleIroh Agreed.

It's a shame so few of us understand the implications of this.

I get so frustrated sometimes because if we just had 10,000 strong men that think like us we would be UNSTOPPABLE.

But instead people just want a low stress bread and circus life.

@UncleIroh "FOSS AI is absolutely essential for all our futures."

I couldn't agree more but the question is how to explain this to a layman.

I support FOSS everywhere I can and thanks to web apps outside of work it's now realistic for me to be a full time linux user and I'm hype!


Awesome, welcome to full time nix-land! If you get withdrawals, you can still write and run C#, F# and PowerShell whenever you want ..

> the question is how to explain this to a layman.

through doing it yourself. and through the examples of others, i.e. those that succeeded, and more importantly, those who got burned.


Thanks! I hope there's some overlap between bash scripting and powershell as I would hate to lose that skillset.

And that's a good point. If you see a FOSS animation channel on YT in the near future don't snitch on me 😉


you're welcome.

yeah, bash is a weird glom of shell, sed, awk and a few other utilities. It's not a problem if you can script, but there's not much crossover from PowerShell.

If you find you need something more powerful than arrays or case statements you can always use Python.

i do like PowerShell, it has some well thought out principles even if it's more verbose sometimes than it needs to be.

If you don't advertize your YT I'd never know anyway so your secret's safe.


I do like the idea of animating short clips of podcasters I enjoy though. Really helps to get messages across.

Examples of that aside from yourself include the guy who does the JRE animation shorts, and the guy who used to do the Patrice O'Neal shorts. They were awesome.


Danimations, that's the YT guy who did Patrice O'Neal.

@UncleIroh He's great! I've seen a couple of his before.

I'm just an amateur but TBH I only started animating because I thought the TFM jootard clip was funny and I didn't want to dox myself. ( I go back to it every now and again and it still cracks me up)

I believe psuedonymity is a superpower because people are forced to contend with your ideas without any preconceived biases based on how you look.


> I believe psuedonymity is a superpower because people are forced to contend with your ideas without any preconceived biases based on how you look.

Agreed. Plus shitpoasting.

@UncleIroh That's a shame there's no overlap so I'll adrd that to the long list of new things I need t learn with linux.

I LOVE Python so that makes me very happy hear.

Powershell is the 1st "language" that made sense to besides python. But I'm biased because its saved me countless hours of repetitive tasks at work.

I have mixed feelings about YT but someone has to put out counter propaganda so that layman will value their technological freedoms

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