Just in case anyone has any doubt or confusion that Communism == Jews == Judaism

@UncleIroh Karl Marx came from a jewish family. It's all the synagogue of satan the bible warned everyone about.

@Zeb @UncleIroh

I'm going to hold off replying on this till i'm done with a few chapters of 200 years together.

@basedbagel @Zeb

You don't have to accept the historical record of Bolshevism or what Jews say about themselves.

That's entirely up to you.

After everything that's gone on this year I view such people the same way I view those still persuaded by vaxx-logic.

@UncleIroh @Zeb For now here's my official statement:

"Based Bagel is anti-communist, anti-gay, anti-satanist and anti-women's rights in all of its forms. I am prepared to do everything in my power stop it."

@basedbagel @Zeb

One day you will understand how these are all synonyms.

@UncleIroh @Zeb TBH I don't even care they all have to be removed or reformed.

The matrix is a system.

To me killing the jews is like killing the president.

Someone else will just take their place.

We have to destroy the ENTIRE system. i..e (All who promoted the vax)

And replace it with a better one.

That better system starts with TWRA and buildings our own communities up 1st so we aren't as dependent on the scam banking,medical media systems we seek to abolish.

@basedbagel @Zeb

> killing the jews is like killing the president.

Wait, what? What precisely do you think my views are?

@UncleIroh @Zeb

From what I've read you see the Jews as one of of the biggest sources of the problem.

Well Jews are people and people don't give up power without bloodshed.

So to me the logical extension of your views are taking power away from the Jews.

I didn't mean to put words in your mouth but that's what I thought.

Either way I've got some reading to do so I'll @ you when I'm a good ways into the book.

@basedbagel @Zeb

> From what I've read you see the Jews as one of of the biggest sources of the problem.

Correct. I advocate for everyone to understand Jews as fully as possible. If anyones history should be additionally taught at school, it's Jewish history, independent of any nations history.

Then I advocate for them to be repatriated/expelled to their country.

Keep host country numbers small. No dual citizenships. No positions of power. No activism of any kind. Harsh penalties.

@UncleIroh @Zeb

". No dual citizenships."

Whoa Kemosabe!

Dual citizenship is a critical tool for me to protect my sovereignty.

I don't know why you and TFM get hung up on this dual citizenship thing. It's a necessary evil to save you from vax passports and excessive taxation.

Other than that Everything else you said checks out.

@basedbagel @Zeb

> I don't know why you and TFM get hung up on this dual citizenship thing.

Because it's abuse has lead the US to ruin. Constant neocon/zio wars and a defactro Israeli foreign policy.

No other country's ruling elite has been compromised so heavily.

@UncleIroh @Zeb

The ruling elite was compromised with blackmail and bribes for the most part.

Banning dual-citizenship in theory sounds good, but in reality does more harm than good.

When the US goes full commie, what would I do if I didn't have dual citizenship?

I'd lose all my assets/rights when they revoke my digital ID for speaking with an anti-semitic domestic terrorist online.

Fuck that!

Having dual citizenship lets you play countries against each other and keep them honest

@basedbagel @Zeb

> The ruling elite was compromised with blackmail and bribes for the most part.

Ha! Hello darkness my old friend. Epstein & Bankman-Freid are just the latest Mossad characters in a century of pedo-bribery-blackmail-extortion-laundering projects.

We're right back where we started. Weird how that works.

@UncleIroh @Zeb This is true but are we really going to act like jews are the only people who've tried to take power with bribes and blackmail before?

SBF and the Mossad? Thats new to me but would explain alot.

"a century of pedo-bribery-blackmail-extortion-laundering projects"

I hear you but what disturbs me is why do billionares fall for that? There's no amount of cash/validation you could give me to violate a child. So the fact that the billionaires even did it is disturbing.

@basedbagel @Zeb

> SBF and the Mossad? Thats new to me

I'm sure Ryan Dawson has info on that, and there's credible speculation that Epstein's slush fund became the basis for SBF's fund. Keeping dark money dark.

The point is why you find even find that surprising.

> I hear you but ...

yeah, i get that alot from you.

you know evil exists, that "power corrupts .." is a universal no matter what power is wielded or who wields it, and then pikachu-face when powerful people do evil things.

@UncleIroh @Zeb

" "power corrupts .." is a universal no matter what power is wielded or who wields it, and then pikachu-face when powerful people do evil things"

It's not a pikachu face, you mistake my inaction for apathy.

We're on the outskirts of the internet pseudonymously because we can't have this conversation in a coffee shop without losing our livelihoods.

The best we can do is prepare and wait as we don't have the numbers to make things right... yet

@basedbagel @Zeb

Joke's on you, I'm a tea drinker.

But seriously, it would be good to be able to do that.

Also, I'm not mistaking your inaction for apathy, I'm atrributing you naiivete for some of your takes.


@UncleIroh @Zeb

You say I'm naive, I say I'm not a boomer.

I know you have kids so you're aware of how USELESS public school is. The fact that I came out of that fool system and self studied my way here is a great feat.

Keep in mind I work full time and run a side business so I don't have time to do deep research like I used to.

Back in the day I could have knocked out 200 years together on winter break.

These days it take me much longer.

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@basedbagel @Zeb

Public school is cancer, and any of us who get here in spite of it have something.

Just stick with it and take bites whenever.

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