Do you want a simple test to see who's honest?

Ask them what they think about ALL hiring being blind with open source and interviews will be done via VR.

ALL hiring should be BLIND!


Wanna hook up your kids with a job they don't deserve? GET FUCKED.

Wanna skate by on "sOfT sKiLlS? GET FUCKED

Wanna whine about discrimination w/o work to back it up? GET FUCKED

Want a 6 fig job for being a woman/gay? GET SUPER FUCKED!

Of course this will never happen because noone is honest.


I saw a great idea on reddit too:

All interviews can be done via VR and a voice changer to prevent bias.

Jobs that need a certain kind of person can do personality tests with anonymized results.

Background checks/Age verification can be done via 3rd parties.

The only issue I foresee is verifying where they live without bias but I'm sure there's a way around that too.

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@basedbagel Interviews can't be based only on knowledge of a specific task. This isn't a problem with the existing hiring process of meeting with people either via video or in person. The issue is the lie of equality and unenforced laws surrounding it. What is being enforced is discrimination.

What you're suggesting could be done via email or other text-based communication instead of VR. But you can't hire someone for a sales job or know if they're a good fit for your team based on that.

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