Ok I finished Cowboy Bebop and overall I give it a Watch Samurai Champloo instead/10

Probly won't rewatch anything but the last 5 episodes.

I watched the 1st 20 episodes subbed and was bored af

I also noticed they changed some of words in the dub that IMO made the dialog more intersting and mature.

Also Faye in the hub was a 1-dimensional annoying cunt but in the sub she was much more bearable.




Soundtrack was🔥

Animation holds up well

The fight scenes were great (Pierrot was my favorite)


The show is slow AS HELL especially at the beginning. So slow I had to drop it and pick it up years later to finish it

Character backstories aren't as fleshed out well so I didn't care what happened to any of them.

There's no overarching storyline/plot so you could watch all episodes out of order and It wouldn't make a difference

The dub sucks


@basedbagel @ugly_bastard_reborned
>the dub sucks
Welcome to anime. Watch with subtitles only. Good dubs are extremely rare.


@ButtWorldsMan @ugly_bastard_reborned

I'm not new to anime but I was told by trusted sources (reddit) that the Cowboy Bebop dub was one of the few dubs worth watching and BOY was I wrong lol that shit was ass

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