This is going to sound like I'm flexing but hear me out.

I went from a skinny fat guy to being in the best shape of my life.

Here's what I've noticed.

1. Online dating went from totally useless to bearable.

2. People are much more respectful.

4. Surprisingly you get more compliments from women than men because men understand the sacrifice it took .

5. I still get rejected alot but hoes are nowhere near as rude anymore.

6. Women actually approach me every now and again. 1/2


7. All of a sudden your nerdy hobbies don't matter as much as they used to.

8. Gay guys are attracted to the same things women are so be prepared.

9. I'm still mentally the same nerd but I'm as less competent in my field for some reason.

10. People are more accommodating of your social awkwardness.

I kind of sympathize with blackpillers a bit disturbing that it took years in the gym to be treated with common human decency but it is what it its.


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> I'm still mentally the same nerd but I'm as less competent in my field for some reason.

All the rest I have experienced myself, except that. I'm curious, since cognitive ability typically increases alongside improved health - recall, focus, attention duration, etc..

@UncleIroh I ran out characters and I meant to retype that.

What i meant to say was:

I'm still mentally the same nerd but I'm perceived as less competent in my field (mostly men) for some reason.

I actually got BETTER at my job now that I don't have the brain fog/lethargy from my shitty diet anymore

I can only assume that its envy but TBH I really don't know for sure. It's quite strange


OK, yes that makes more sense than what I had thought.

Envy comes as standard with improvement. Often, the strongest source is from family, but if it's from work, make lemonade.

@basedbagel Why waste Time on 304 if you want to be in Good shape do it cause you want be healthy not to impress 304

@VeganMGTOW I agree with you in principle but let's be real.

When you're young with hormones raging if you don't get some hoes every now and again it can distract you to the point of making you less productive.

This post was mainly geared at younger guys as most of what I said is stuff i wish someone told me 5-10 years ago

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