Based Bagel's common sense Tax Code:

1. Flat 10% Federal tax Simple > Complex "fairness"

2. NO fancy deductions or Credits

3. Employers work with IRS to do employees taxes EU style. 🖕 Tax software

When it comes to business taxes I'm open to suggestions as there are some good reasons that justify more complexity.

@basedbagel Rather than 3, I think it would be better if the IRS just hand you a detailed invoice with where everything comes from, no invoice no need to pay taxes.
They are the ones who get the money it should be their problem.

@doggel @basedbagel

1 Only sales tax, no other taxes

2 Only entities registered as corporations should pay taxes

3 Any religious institution that operates as a corporation should pay tax

4 Barter between two entities not registered as corporations should not be taxed

5 No property tax. But a sales tax for buying and selling properties

6 Buying or selling goods from outside the tax jurisdiction while physically existing inside the tax jurisdiction should receive sales tax like a tarrif

@shortstories @doggel

I agree with 1,2,4,5 FOR SURE, and 6

But why should religious organizations be taxed?

@basedbagel @doggel

If Bob by himself works to provide religious services and is not registered as a corporation then he should not be taxed

But if he creates a corporate like structure with people ranking below him and money is distributed throughout the structure he should be taxed

People who individually teach a religion should not be taxed but people who have religious subordinates and use those subordinates like employees employees should be cult taxed and counted as a corporation

@shortstories @doggel I see your ponit but as someone who used to volunteer at church it would be a pain in the ass to have to hire people for tax compliance just to take donations.

@basedbagel @doggel

Steven Hassan inventor of Strategic Interactive Approach and Ted Patrick a earlier pioneer in cult deprogramming both wanted religious organizations to be taxed because it would force cults to have their finances examined

Now I am against tax so I would say no one should be taxed but I am also against corporate corruption and cultic religious corruption

And most corporations today function like cults

And most large scale cults function like corporations


@shortstories @doggel

>Now I am against tax so I would say no one should be taxed but I am also against corporate corruption and cultic religious corruption

Okay I see your point I agree.

I didn't consider that.

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@basedbagel @doggel

I am opposed to any religious organization with a hierarchy of obedience and a hierarchy on which human gets to determine what is true

I am opposed to both a horizontal hierarchy involving voting and a vertical hierarchy like a Pastor or pope who gets to boss people around or what is called the "Shepherding" or "discipleship movement" where a one to one Bible teacher or Shepherd gets the "right" to boss around a subordinate

Just sharing your beliefs can be different

@basedbagel @doggel

The early followers of Jesus such as the apostles which means "to be sent" like to send a message like a postal service

Had authority in the sense of specific knowledge of what they eye witnessed what Jesus said as all the new testament was not written down at the same time

While they were alive they may have passed down knowledge in the form of a oral tradition or perhaps through actions they did

But centuries after they died

No man today has unique knowledge authority

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