Gen Z is the GAYEST generation name there is.

Greatest generation - Brave WW1 fighters

Silent generation - Tough as nails, survived a degression + WW2

Baby Boomers - Biggest generation, fought in vietnam. Has cool name. That's about all the good I can say lol

Gen X - Name sounds cool/dangerous

Millennials - Turn of the century

Gen Z: the LAST FUCKING LETTER in the alphabet that no one uses ever.

To add insult to injury the call us ZOOMERS which sounds like a euphemism for retarded😩


Millenials = Gen Y

X then Y then Z then A

A as in Alpha

Next will be B as in Beta

But after that will it be G as in Gamma or C as in See Sea

Greek Alphabetical Order A, B, G

English A, B, C


Smart Phones have lowered the intelligence of Gen Z, at least millenials know of the time before smart phones even if most of them are stupid also through them


>Smart Phones have lowered the intelligence of Gen Z,

This is demonstrably false and boomer propaganda.

In the modern era there is no need to hold useless facts in your head because you can just look them up with your phone.

So I just need to remember important concepts and not phone , addresses and street names.

We're not dumber we've just adapted.

Now attention span on the other hand..


Use your perfect memory by Tony Buzan

You should be able to memorize a list of 20 random nouns with very little training using the method

You need to exercise your memory or end up with alzheimers or dementia



>You need to exercise your memory or end up with alzheimers or dementia

I agree but I use my memory for concepts that help me in my daily life.

I don't need to memorize minutia like names, that's what my contact list is for.

I DO memorize things for my business, URLs to websites with good information etc.

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