So my dad and stepmom will revamp the kitchen for $60k but won’t chip in for a $5k back-up car. Fucking Boomers.



*Boomer voice*: Well ya see Sonny boy there's good debt and there's bad debt.

Investing in creature comforts = good debt

Investing in my kids = bad debt

I know you don't like it now but you'll understand when you're older.

In all seriousness though that's so fucked.

My parents put WAY for $ into my sister than me but they at least bought me a car.

Depending on where you live it's a necessity

· Edited · · Fedilab · 1 · 0 · 0

@basedbagel I asked my dad why he won’t chip in and he said he doesn’t want to pay the insurance for an extra car. I’m serious.

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