I'm sorry but I had to drop Rick and Morty.

Morty is a 14 YEAR OLD BOY.why is there a scene of him getting sexually assaulted?

What kind of psychopath finds a minor getting raped entertainment?

Call me a snowflake but nothing about rape is entertaining to me. Especially not minors.

Sick Hollywierd freaks have to inject their perverted degenerate fantasies into anything they make! 😡

@basedbagel bro the very first episode has him smuggle drugs up his ass and this is where you cross the line?



You ever dated a hot girl with a couple red flags but you thought you could look past it but couldn't after a while?

That was me with this show.

I saw A LOT i disagreed with but the premise was so cool and it was so well written I tried to look past it.

Underage butt sex isn't where I drew the line, it's where the degeneracy got too igregioous to ignore.

It totally took me out of the experience and I just wasn't entertained anymore.

@basedbagel well to each their own then. When I saw the first episode I just knew the show was gonna be crazy


Don't get me wrong the show is phenomenal. I liked the premise and as an an animator i was impressed with the animation.

I just wish it was made in a country that was less satanic/gay like Japan

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