Would you go to jail for 5 years if you got 1.1M dollars when you got out?

@basedbagel Not if inflation make a loaf of bread worth 1M dollars when I go out.

Ok then assume it's inflation adjusted then what would you do?

@basedbagel I know it’s weird but I said no. You can tell me that I work more time for less money but here’s the thing: not everything is money in life. Experience, the people you meet, the memories, all those things are worth more than being stuck for a certain amount of time against a certain amount of money.



> I know it’s weird but I said no

Not weird at all my dude it makes sense.

> not everything is money in life. Experience, the people you meet, the memories, all those things are worth more than being stuck for a certain amount of time against a certain amount of money.

Ding ding ding we have a winner! Alot of people don't get that not everyone is going to live forever and if you go to jail and get out some of your inner circle may already be dead/sick. No amount of 💰 can change that

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