
Would you go to jail for 5 years if you got 1.1M dollars when you got out?

@basedbagel For me hell yea. But

Sound like easy version of military. Where I do nothing live in room, getting food and if I want I can join some group be it learning or working if I want.

But must be something on lv EU prisons not on Columbia lv prison I do not want to be in gulag or concentration camp.

I forgot not all of you are on countries with harsh prison conditions.

I might need to make a new poll...

As for me no amount of $ is worth my freedom . (I'm also a soft pastry that wouldn't last s day on jail)

@basedbagel @Stahesh

Vagrancy Laws combined with Property tax have turned employment into Slavery

This is not a question of how much you value your freedom

But how many years of freedom you can get in exchange for how many years of one type of slavery as opposed to another type of slavery

Is 5 years of slavery to an employer worse or better than 5 years of jail slavery

If the jail slavery is worse how many years of freedom from employment slavery is that money worth

I see your point but employment /= slavery. That's a stretch

@basedbagel @Stahesh

Employment alone is not slavery

Employment only becomes slavery in a certain societal context such as vagrancy laws plus property tax and possibly other contexts



Creating an underclass by making it harder to build wealth is wrong, but it's not slavery.

More like neo feudalism.

You still have autonomy to leave and build wealth

@basedbagel @Stahesh

Where can I leave to lie my head to sleep without paying property taxes for the place I sleep to keep from going to jail?
To pay property taxes I must be involved in the employment system?

How can I leave the border without a passport? How can I get the passport without money from the employment system?

I can not just farm vegetables in peace because I must pay tax on the farmland & to pay tax on the farmland I must make undesired financial transactions with a 3rd party

@basedbagel @Stahesh

Paying tax on farmland requires trading for money with customers which requires working for a 3rd party without consent which is slavery

@shortstories @basedbagel @Stahesh
I'll try answering your questions:
- You pay property taxes if you own the deed to a property. The land belongs to the government by right of conquest, you're only leasing it.
- Just cross the border where there is no checkpoint for border control. Thousands of migrants do it daily into the US.
- You can farm on any land. You pay tax if you own it or if it's a registered business. Naturally if it's not your land, stealth farming is tricky and dangerous.

@basedbagel Not if inflation make a loaf of bread worth 1M dollars when I go out.

Ok then assume it's inflation adjusted then what would you do?

@basedbagel I know it’s weird but I said no. You can tell me that I work more time for less money but here’s the thing: not everything is money in life. Experience, the people you meet, the memories, all those things are worth more than being stuck for a certain amount of time against a certain amount of money.


> I know it’s weird but I said no

Not weird at all my dude it makes sense.

> not everything is money in life. Experience, the people you meet, the memories, all those things are worth more than being stuck for a certain amount of time against a certain amount of money.

Ding ding ding we have a winner! Alot of people don't get that not everyone is going to live forever and if you go to jail and get out some of your inner circle may already be dead/sick. No amount of 💰 can change that

@basedbagel The reason why I work, better myself and suffer is precisely to say no to offers that look incredibly good but in fact will destroy me.
In 40K many times the gods will tempt a cultist with power and riches only to turn him into a chaos spawn later. Once you sacrificed your freedom it’s GONE FOREVER.

@basedbagel Holy shit, there is a lot of no. I wasn't expecting that.

I was hoping it would be the case. I'm gonna do another poll at 20m

@basedbagel It depends The prison if like Scandinavia prison (That looks like a 5* Hotel) sure but if Is thrid World Shit HOLE Hell No

@VeganMGTOW @basedbagel

Do I get put on a offender list and unable to work or choose where I live or travel for the rest of my life?

Will it be adjusted for inflation for the time in jail?

Do I get charged any fees while in jail?

If the housing is free that is better pay than most jobs

Do I come out of jail with a STD or permanent body injury from being attacked in jail?

What about medical bills related to health problems from poor jail conditions?

Please don't overthink this.

1. Yes

For 2-4 see your country's jail conditions/statistics and go off those


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