🚗 update:

Thank you guys for all your advice!

I bought a hyper tough set dry vac and it helped with the dampness but what helped the most?

The Bissell little green proheat vacuum model 2513e!

That thing got rid of 90% of the baking soda residue in no time.

The only problem is it started leaking so unfortunately I'm going to have to return it. 😫

It's such a shame you finally find a good product and it's just not made to last SMH

Ikr it's so aggravating it makes me want to just rent all my tools.

But I but I try to resist that urge because I know that's what the wef wants me to do

@basedbagel We need a culture that promotes the trades, & industry here, nobody knows how to build anything, & all the materials we need go to other countries.

I hate on boomers alot but at least they knew the trades well.

Gen Z has zero interest or knowledge on the trades and it's sad.

I myself didn't even know America had the resources to make our own stuff until recently and at a good cost too

@basedbagel Lying by omission is like 50% of the problem with millennials & below, "you can do whatever you want, don't worry about anything" was the message most of my life, nobody discussed how society was kept afloat on the backs of few key professions.


> Lying by omission is like 50% of the problem with millennials & below

I hate to admit it but you're spot on. Everybody wants to do what they want to do and never do any sort of sacrifice.

> nobody discussed how society was kept afloat on the backs of few key professions.

A boomer recently told me that the trades were taken out of high schools and I'm beginning to wonder if that was all a part of the subversion effort to dismantle our society.

@basedbagel The founding fathers didn't want government runned schools for this exact reason.
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