
[[ revised ]]
my first ever meme i have made . fresh from the memeeist of ovens very spices oh so spicy . what do you think ? lol right now am suppose to be packind and moving driving 7 hours away but here i am making memes lawl.

DA memes must flow !

i realised i made a mistake with hypergamy ! i ment to put the other one , um that word that means pro woman policies at teh detrement of men

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@dander the light blue on white is a bit hard to read, and people will say your meme has too many words and make fun of you for it.

@Tfmonkey yeah i got too wordy at the end ,it did feel too wordy. i guess i always could pump out 2 versions .

@Tfmonkey @dander @Tfmonkey @dander All correct criticisms. Also, you put too much "righteous indignation" into the meme, which made it more of leftist meme where it's just preachy and lame.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @dander seems pretty inaccruate once you go past "the jews" and act like there are worse problems than them, especialyl the shit htat is put there.

@Zealist @dander @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Dude, you meme like a leftard. Here's an example of why the left really can't meme:

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @dander @UncleIroh @Zealist @dander @Tfmonkey it's memes like this why I promote Hogwarts Legacy and Atomic Heart. The leftoid response is to call you a sheep, but that in itself is an emotionally manipulative tactic to prevent you from doing the things that make them angry.

@ButtWorldsMan @dander @Tfmonkey @Zealist

Yeah, that's the same tactic women use on men. Terrence Popp did a recent video on Matt Walsh doing the same thing:

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @dander @UncleIroh @dander @Tfmonkey it's pretty easy to overcome if you focus on the goal you want to achieve. Then no matter what cope and seethe you hear, as long as you achieve the goal, you win.
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