
When Russia wins against Ukraine, prepare for all the articles stating how Russia's losses were immense and how their victory does not really mean all that much. I already have seen articles stating that Russia attacking power stations shows that Putin is "desperate." Yes, using tactics to weaken the enemy means you are desperate. Funny how Putin was apparently evil for invading Ukraine only to wait this long to carry out attacks like that.

They expect you not to question the contradictions.

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And yet so many people lap up that kind of "commentary" like cream.

In public I overhear normies regurgitating this kind of nonsense almost verbatim to each other. It used to make me sick hearing this kind of behavior confirmed.

I no longer care.

The biggest redpill is not just accepting how much of a tiny minority of the population your and my views are, but that the majority will throw you under the bus to protect "The Normie View".

Shitty thing is that includes family.

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