
Conspiracy theory: all the Early Life sections that bring up individuals being Jews are all filled out by the ADL themselves. Why? Because those looking for Jewish ancestry (namely the alt right) will get their suspicions confirmed, which helps maintain their hatred against Jews.

Thus, the ADL gets more ammunition to rationalize their own existence. So they have motivation to do the sort of actions to help perpetuate their role as fighting against "anti-Semitism."

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Not exactly serious about this, though I do find it strange that Wikipedia has allowed these Early Life sections to remain up when they otherwise go full blown censorship and gaslighting with other topics. Why leave these sections up? There seems to be something up about this.

It only seems weird in 2022 after years of censorship, gaslighting and Leftist shitheeling on Wikipedia.

All things being normal, an encyclopedia that gave you the biographies of famous people but deliberately ommitted everything we knew about Wolfgang Mozart's early life for example would be a useless encyclopedia. Unacceptable to everyone.

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