
@Tfmonkey You said Russia is kicking the shit out of Ukraine. Well, my dear monkey, you have been DEBOONKED! This video from a large channel that totally is not being favored by the algorithms says Russia is failing in Ukraine!

Ha, I bet you feel foolish now, considering that it has an extensive list of sources for evidence:

"All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted."

I shit you not, that is what is said in the description.

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@Tfmonkey In all seriousness, I can find multiple problems. First, the guy criticizes Russia for not using an air assault for their initial attack. Gee, I wonder if they had any motives for not doing this, such as purposefully not wanting to flatten everything, especially the areas they wanted to reclaim.

And he even goes into "muh sanction are crippling the Russian economy," as if the NATO countries themselves are not having major economic problems.

@Tfmonkey He calls the Russian ruble a "potemkin currency," being propped up by extreme measures. Gee, I wonder if that better describes the dollar.

Oh no, Russia won't be able to import "advanced western technological components." Hold up, doesn't the west themselves import a lot of the raw materials for said components themselves? Why the hell would they need to import it from "the west" when they can just get much of the raw materials from their own borders or from non-western trade?

Advanced western technology built in China and Taiwan

@sj_zero @Tfmonkey Yes, exactly what I was thinking. And I doubt China is going to refuse to trade with Russia considering that the US's actions.

@houseoftolstoy Russia underestimated that the US was going to make Ukraine their hill to die on and didn't want to destroy the civilian infrastructure.

I think Putin was genuinely surprised that Europe chose to follow the US into a stagflationary depression instead of . . . not.

The stagflationary depression was already coming. This just gives them an excuse other than "We shut down the planet for 2 years and thought pieces of paper could stop the consequences"
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