@Tfmonkey Quote: "
Neither Jesus nor Paul was married in the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 7 urges single Christians not to get married so they can focus on Kingdom work. The case for marriage has to be overwhelmingly attractive for a man to pursue marriage. These news stories are discouraging men from marrying."
@Tfmonkey Also, given WinteryKnight himself is not married, it would be absurd for him to tell other men to just go line up to get slaughtered. Not that it never happens, but he is not one of those types.
Sorry for the many posts, but I had more to say that can fit in 500 characters.
@houseoftolstoy Alright thanks for the context.
@Tfmonkey Continued quote:
"No amount of shaming and blaming by pro-marriage conservatives is going to remove the risks of divorce, loss of custody, loss of parental rights, alimony, child support and forced transing of kids. Good men can do good in other ways. They don’t have to get married, especially not in a time where society is producing radical feminists as wife candidates, and stacking the schools, courts and hospitals with more misandrists."