It is not exactly shocking that France is on the verge of having riots, as it is part and parcel to modern French culture. Apparently, changing the pension retirement age by 2 years is enough of a reason to have uproar.
If this plan is pushing people over the line, how much worse would things be with actual cuts to entitlements/welfare?
This is the perfect example of why we are going to hit the wall at full speed instead of fixing the problems with government spending.
The money ran out for socialist problems.
Now the spoiled brats are revolting.
Same thing they did in 1789, and this too will backfire.
Proles are morons.
@houseoftolstoy not very smart, they are protesting to keep a system in place that is making them go broke. If they loose they loseea dn if they win to keep the system they still loose because there is no money to keep the system afloat.