
Here is what bothers me about the premise of "We need to have the token woman/minority/other grievanced individual as visible representatives as doctors/engineers/inventors so that they know they can become one too!" is that it fails to understand that inspiration does not come from seeing someone "just like you" do something.

People that go out there to do and accomplish something like that don't do it because they saw someone else who looks like them do it first.

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Think about the first generations of programmers who were pioneering many things we see with computers. Did they see some guy who looks like them do it? No. They did not. In fact, they had so few people to look at for inspiration, they were ostracized for it.

To tell me that "muh represenation" is the key to having more people successful tells me these people only want the superficial result of seeing someone in that role. Just like putting a monkey at a keyboard and saying he is a programmer.


men a pioneers, creators, inventors. women are larpers.

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