I love this cope thing I hear all the time:

“you don’t GET all her references! You guys are from different generations! You just don’t have anything in common!!!”

Yeah…..that’s no different from a girl my own age. It’s mostly true for the guys, too. Everyone’s got super niche hobbies taking up their free time, only those that share them really share a common pop culture reference base.

Also not the good work in clickbait here. These articles have seen how many times a surge of traffic comes from the ‘mens rights’ subreddits, for sure


@WashedOutGundamPilot First, the idea that a man "needs help" for wanting a woman in her prime is insane as it is an attempt to subvert nature itself (never a smart idea, as instincts are there for a reason).

Second, being able to "banter" or just spout familiar references are so unimportant to a relationship that it is ridiculous to even elevate it's importance. It is more of a red herring than anything.

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@WashedOutGundamPilot And I can speak from experience myself that the references I know with anime and video games are not how I would connect with my wife, because she does not have interest in those things. Big deal. We can talk about other things.

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