Even a feminist will agree that women shouldn't be active duty in the military.

But who the HELL thought a female cop would be a good idea?

Why would you want your daughter to deal with the dregs of society daily who are 50% stronger than her?


@basedbagel "But cops have guns, so it will not matter if she is not as strong as men."

Or maybe "Women are better at communicating, and many male cops are too quick to use violent tactics instead of communicating. So we should have more female cops!"

I recall hearing that female cops are more likely to shoot that male cops, because no surprise, they are smaller and more likely to feel threatened. So with more female cops, expect more death-by-cop.

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I heard the same thing too.

Personally I also get higher tickets from them. I'm not sure if it's a power trip for them but it sure is annoying.

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