@Stahesh @Wopu There is a reason Reddit often appears as a leftist shithole. That reason is because so much about things there is fake and gay. Yes, there are going to be many cases where subreddits there are heavily biased to progressive/woke politics, but there is much manipulation behind the scenes taking place. There are rare instances such as this where you see a lack of that manipulation, and you get actual sanity because of that.

@Stahesh @Wopu You might notice that some cases on bigger subreddits where a post blows up with many comments, only to find the post removed and all the comments gone. That is when you know fuckery is about and that the power tripping mods/admins did not want any wrongthink to be seen by the masses. Because having any dissent allowed would be destructive to the gaslighting going on. I also suspect many vote counts are manipulated too, as some leftist posts get 10K+ upvotes out of the blue.


@Stahesh @Wopu I also remember 2016 when the r/politics sub was different. Yes, it was still leftist and all, but it was most Bernie supporting and anti-Hillary Clinton. Yes, they also hated Trump there too. But once HIllary got the nomination officially for the Dems, there was a sudden shift to full on Hillary shilling. From what I heard, that sub was literally bought by Correct The Record/ShareBlue, and they were making sure everything was RAH RAH Hillary Clinton!

As I said, all fake and gay.

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