@Tfmonkey There's a lot of contributing factors, but I think men's participation rate in the workforce dropping as much as it did is contributing.

I could also get into Hypergamy and things like that, but I think the overall over-urbanization of Americans, multiple recessions (another one coming soon), being saddled with debt (not just Student), and inflation being among the bigger reasons.

People aren't just getting priced out of homes now (which I feel is PRETTY DAMN IMPORTANT for the structure of a family), but cars now too.

@Bad_Banner @Tfmonkey "The economy" is quite a tired excuse, as there is never a point where economic conditions are going to be "good enough" to turn around bad birth rates due to feminism. Look at any country with an above replacement birth rate and tell me how good their economy is.

Yes, the economics are bad and do not help, but those are not going to be nearly as impactful as women going to college and working instead of getting married and going to the kitchen.


@Bad_Banner @Tfmonkey In fact, women working and being empowered in general is causing a lot of those economic issues. The two income trap cannot be a thing if women are working less. And divorce across the board will also not help the housing market, as separate households mean less supply for the same population.

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