
@Humpleupagus Crazy idea: what if putting on a whole lot of chemicals on your face on a regular basis is bad for your skin? Crazy, right? And so many women talk about having a "skin care routine" when they should just cake less makeup on.

That, and not eat greasy takeout food all the time.

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My wife doesn't wear makeup and never has. She looks way better than most women her age as a result.
@Humpleupagus @houseoftolstoy @shortstories
Are you trying too pull drunk Jonny out of the time line because this is how

@Humpleupagus @shortstories My wife does wear some, but she does not really need it nor does she use all that much.

I say if you marry a woman who does not need makeup to be good looking, you won the marriage lottery.

Women not gain 50 lbs after age 23 mission impossible
My wife weighs as much as when I married her. 🤷‍♂️
@Humpleupagus @1nter4ri @houseoftolstoy @DrBtc i been eating rice cuz i'm low on food, till today, i bought groceries cuz a storm is coming, WINTER STORM a week of really cold i don't wanna go outside weather.
If anyone on the fedi wants to know if their woman will gain weight as she ages, just send me a picture of her naked, and I will advise. Trust me. I'm an expert.
lol u kno i cant do that or ill never get anymore nudes 😫
I only sexually harass doll, no nudes but one time she said she would stab me in the heart as she watched my soul leave my eyes, which I think is her secret phrase for dirty sex time.
Doll is all private behind closed door threats. Jonny is an exhibitionist.
Oh, Johnny. He really made my new year great. Kept asking to see the ncd girls pussies so they posted pictures of him lololololololol
Lmao. Those girls crack me up. They're tough.
I thought that said pirate, which sounds very erotic. 🏴‍☠️
No, you fuckin weirdo. Lol. Who is she to you, Jack Sparrow?
Oh fug, it was on tl though. Don't stab me *leans chest out*
relentlessly sexually harassing doll would be funny
I have a permit, for some reason (retardation pity)
Doll is sui in drag I read an article about it
lol tell u what though ... gertie is one BAD mfkin female ... shes an older chick like 55 or some shit idk but she looks like shes 29 easy ... lol too bad she went to twitter
lol u would think so but im tellin ya this is an anomaly
You'll need a penetrating lubricant like PB blaster to get her box back in working order.
Look.... you're all gonna be fucking old women one day. Practice makes prefect. 🤷‍♂️
Asians are built different.

I knew one who was still import model at 30.
I'm only a perverted elephant online. I'm a perfectly respectable human in real life. 😏
I wish to learn this witchcraft and promise to use it for good

@RJ805 @Humpleupagus @houseoftolstoy @DrBtc @1nter4ri

30 Then Jehu went to Jezreel. When Jezebel heard about it, she put on eye makeup, arranged her hair and looked out of a window.

32 He looked up at the window and called out, “Who is on my side? Who?” Two or three eunuchs looked down at him. 33 “Throw her down!” Jehu said. So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot.

2 Kings 9:30 and 9:32-33 NIV

Just a interesting story

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