One thing I do remember is there was a Myth Busters episode "proving" there was a moon landing based on some equipment that is supposed to be there. There is just one problem with this whole thing: I am just getting fed information from a TV. I cannot verify anything and I am just seeing what the show wants me to see. To just accept this as fact is to be no better than the boomers thinking that Covid was the worst thing ever just because CNN said so.
Screenshot from video
Historic Apollo 11 Moon Landing Footage
I can not disprove that they landed on the moon on any time period that I am not watching all parts of the moon to make sure nobody is landing on it
But at least parts of the moon landing are simulated
Those parts say the word "simulation" in big letters on the video footage of the alleged first moon landing on a NASA youtube channel
All the parts that say simulation are not real unless they are lying about it being a simulation but some people believe those parts are real