You think it's possible Ralph has some kind of mild schizophrenia?
I've never seen a "normal" person with such unpredictable chains of logic.
"Just stubbed my toe on the sofa! Hurt, but I'll make it through. I know who's behind this one though. Jerry Simmons from my second grade PE class! He thought he was being sly but you can't fool the ralphamale. YOU BETTER SAY YOUR PRAYERS BOY CAUSE YOU JUST MADE A BLOOD ENEMY"

@RustyCrab I think it’s much more likely we’re looking at brain damage in action, except unironically.

Ralph is in mid-to-late-stage wet brain. If you want to see what early stage wet brain looks like, see the gradual decline of Rekieta over the past two years.
Rekieta will always be tragic to me, because unlike most career e-grifters it seems like he would've been a completely normal family man doing regular lawyer stuff if he had never started a YouTube channel.
Even functional alcoholics tend to keep it somewhat under control when they have to show up for work on the regular.
@Hoss @Elf @RustyCrab

Can I get a tl:dr on what happened to him, I'm out of the loop
My theory with Nick's downward spiral is that it's a combination of alcoholism and disconnecting further and further from reality the longer he exists in the grifterverse. It seems to happen to almost everybody who turns Internet bullshit into a career. Having a real job grounds you and keeps you somewhat normal, when you lose that anchor you become a slave to anything else that influences your life.
@Hoss @Elf @RustyCrab @Nudhul

What kind of grift tho? I know guys that make good content and may sell merch on the side or do short ad segments in their vids, but I don't consider that grifting if their vid content is quality and informative or entertaining.
He signed a seven figure contract with Rumble. That's like the holy grail of the content griftmaxxer.
@Hoss @Elf @gnarley_boot @Nudhul which I think he recently lost or they "renegotiated" because he wasn't pulling in numbers anymore. His remaining audience seems to be primarily middle aged women doing the pickme thing. (and catfishing trannies)
I'm just waiting for the day he spurns one of his "cool wine aunt" groupies and she goes on a warpath to destroy his life and career. Everybody who told him he was playing with fire like Josh deserves to get to tell his drunk ass "toldya so you fucking retard".
@Hoss @Elf @RustyCrab @gnarley_boot his law experience might insulate him from that somewhat, in that he could use litigation to dampen the worst of it
It really seems like Nick being in Vic's corner hurt him way more than it helped him.
@Hoss @Elf @gnarley_boot @Nudhul there's no question that it did. Ty treated the whole thing like a circus act because of Nick. If he had just said "let my family friend Ty help you get situated" and then went quiet the case would probably have gone far different. Instead Ty had to go pulling acrobatics to make the paper submission look more dramatic and fucked up evidence submission.
If I was in court the last thing I'd want is a showman of a laywer. Admittedly I ain't a lawyer, but it seems like a profession where the pros hold their cards close to their chests and heavily scrutinize any move they're thinking about making before they actually make it.
@Hoss @Elf @gnarley_boot @Nudhul that and judges really, really do not like showmen. They don't want public interest in their cases. This is a pattern I have seen again and again.

Schroeder, the judge from Rittenhouse, was the only one I have seen who didn't seem to mind at all.

The REASON they probably don't like showmen is because judges are elected and any publicity puts them at risk of losing their position over some political bullshit.
>Schroeder, the judge from Rittenhouse, was the only one I have seen who didn't seem to mind at all.
I imagine the lead prosecutor being the most unlikeable soy faggot on the planet probably helped.
>wtf I suddenly no longer believe borders are just lines on a map anymore.

@Hoss @dcc @Elf @RustyCrab @gnarley_boot @Nudhul Most cases of inconsistencies with leftist outrage can be attributed to them simply looking for any factor they can use as a weapon against their enemies. They do not care that usually are all against restricting borders normally. They just hope that they can use "crossing state lines" as something that will get Kyle convicted for his "crime" of defending himself against rabid leftists who totally were not there for dubious reasons themselves.

@Hoss @dcc @Elf @RustyCrab @gnarley_boot @Nudhul To clarify further, they are not necessarily inconsistent, but rather they are placing certain principles higher than others. Leftists "protesting" (basically just doing anything they want regardless of how they harm others because they are doing it for "the correct reasons") is considered more important than their hatred of borders. So they push the lesser ideal aside to support the more important one.

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