
Another day doing recon on lefty propaganda with NPR, they bring on a guest who talks about the "PTSD many Europeans had about the Trump presidency." If there are any Europeans or anyone who has PTSD from this, I really don't care and you can get it again for all I care if Trump "wins" (gets selected to win).

Trump hardly did that much, as he was a disappointment at best. Any trauma or fear about him being President was self inflicted. You are either a woman or a low-T male if you are afraid.

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@shortstories I am well aware, and I am not taking the claim with much credibility, considering this is our state run propaganda running the news segment, and they always find the best mouthpieces for their agenda and when they are "guests," they get free reign to say whatever bullshit they want without having to own the fact that it is their own viewpoint and not just the "guest's."

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