Thinking back on that song that has the lyrics "No Russian ever called me white trash," it makes me ponder. Why is the label of "trash" only associated with whites? Yes, the anti-white attitudes are obvious, but there is another thing at play. Those very same anti-whites would have great anger at the term "black trash" or any other label, even if they were to act in a matter equivalent or worse than "white trash."


The truth they do not want to acknowledge as that whites are the only ones given the added label of "trash" is because it is considered atypical for whites to be in this category. But to say this for any other race would be "hurtful" because deep down they know it is true that other races have "trashy" behavior as something that is quite common with them, but they do not want to admit it.

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I do not think it is predistined for any group to be in the "trash category." But the same people who use the perjorative "white trash" accept the same behaviors from other racial groups. White people who are in the lower class give them a punching bag that is politically correct, thanks to anti-white political attitudes.

@houseoftolstoy I appreciate you posting this. I have nothing to add at the moment.

@DoubleD not a problem at all if there is nothing to add. Sometimes I see other people's posts and have nothing to add either.

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