Right wing rape squads would sure be more popular with the ladies than whatever the hell 'male feminists' are doing.

@mage - I've thought about it a time or two (as a concept, not as a potential action). And I'm not sure that would ever be a thing.

Right wing is the entrenched native population. If left wing is the minority, then they are the conquerors. Cortez would be a leftist in the view of an Aztec chief.

For myself, I'm disgusted with the whore-dom of the West. I wouldn't even be tempted to be part of a rape squad. I'd rather have a family and build something, than just spread my seed willy-nilly. 💁🏻‍♂️🍻

@YoMomz How many women historically do you think made a giant effort to return home after they got abducted as slave waifus? Very few. The vast majority went - well I guess I live here now.

@mage - No doubt. But those abductees crossed a cultural border in the process.

Trying the strategy within a cultural border, wouldn't work the same way. 🤔 The woman would exploit whatever she could to get her way, and the man would have problems with the other men within that cultural sphere.

So if a white guy abducts a white girl within his own culture, he's gonna have problems with other white guys. Which describes the current situation. It's the same, but codified in law (eg marital rape).


@YoMomz To be fair if you're very good looking then they volunteer anyway so you wouldn't really need to rape if you built up your own status enough first

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