So apparently Putin's mother is Jewish...

Wish I could confirm the legitimacy of this document, but this sure explains Putin's actions, such as his obsession with "Neo-Nazis", the story he told about growing up in a Jewish family, his small hat trips to Israel and his connections to Chabad Lubavitch.

There's a reason why all the "Alt Media" controlled opposition, like Alex Jones, is shilling Brics and Putin, because they're kosher.


@Based_Accelerationist feel free to explain. just naming jews isn't /acc

@mage And where did I say that I will only post things strictly related to accelerationism?
By that logic, you should only talk about magic or something. I am an accelerationist, hence the username, but maybe I should change it to Captain Obvious, given all these questions.

@Based_Accelerationist So you don't actually know anything about it then. Larp

@mage Well, you had three chances to say something mildly intelligent or pertinent to the post...

Guess I'll cast a simple block spell on this troll larping as a mage.

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