Andrew Torah staged his latest network shatter move (allowing only a tiny number of paypigs to see old paypig posts) 2 months before the US Election. Because he was TOLD TO.

@mage @neofugue @[email protected] @SilverDeth

The Team A kikes control Gab and France, that's why the arrest of Telegram's CEO and Andrew Torah's latest Gab network shatter move were timed.


@Starprophet @neofugue @[email protected] @SilverDeth there's not much of a 'network' left to shatter over there anyway lol

@mage @Starprophet @[email protected] @SilverDeth

If Gab was not significant, Team A would not have made the effort to throttle it in the first place.

Before I was banned from P**st, my posts on Gab received twice the amount of traction, up to 10x more if I posted in a Group.

Hopefully Torbo will undo this move the same way he undid the image posting restriction policy.

Gab is still the only place where we can reach a normie audience, which is why Team A did this.

@neofugue @mage @Starprophet @neofugue @SilverDeth Places like Gab will never really reach the normies, same as here. What places like Gab and the Fedi and 4chan are good for is that they are incubators. They are places where dissidents can meet and discuss without the noise and pressure of a place like Twatter(X). Ideas are discussed, information shared, and memes and arguments are created. Once that is done, people in those incubators can then go out and spread the word across the greater world.

That's how you move the normie. Not by bringing them into your small, specialized enclaves, but by producing burning hot red pills then going out and slipping them into the broader internet water supply. Normies can't stand the intense environment of a place like this or /pol/ or even Gab. The distance between their minds, where they are at, and where you and I are at is too great. Our job is to help them slowly move from point A to Z.
@Charles_in_Charge @neofugue @mage @Starprophet @neofugue @SilverDeth There's rare people who can be reached over on Gab, but it wasn't common at all (IK the dude who ran the FGO group for example was somewhat redpilled over time on the JQ)

@Charles_in_Charge @SilverDeth @mage @[email protected] @neofugue

If anyone wonders what Andrew Torah’s latest network shattering move looks like, and what it does to people’s profiles to the wider audience:

@StarProphet I can somewhat mitigate it by pinning my posts, but I have to dig well into my old notifications to find them.

@Charles_in_Charge @SilverDeth @mage @[email protected] @Starprophet

There are no normies on Fedi, but there were plenty of them on Gab—in fact, the vast majority of Gab users were normies, and it was amusing to interact with them and make fun of them.

Also, remember, you cannot move the normie. The normie is only interested in what power says. However, you can get the normie to detach from the system by pointing out that power wants him dead. That is our goal.

@neofugue @SilverDeth @mage @neofugue @Starprophet To me it seemed Gab attracted mostly a certain kind of half awake boomer/gen X. Someone who had rejected the establishment line, but was still clinging to some sense of normalcy, some hope that the old Regan America could be revived, that somehow the system could be righted by working within the bounds of the system. A bit further along than the Tea Partiers, but not often ready to talk about Jews or seriously question the Constitution and its flaws or something beyond the old left/right view of the world. They are the 45 year old house wife and middle aged small business owner and vet who went to DC on Jan 6, thinking they could actually "wake up" the government and make it act right, if only they peacefully protested and voted hard enough.

It's easy to despise them, setting where we are, knowing what we know. I try not to do that. To me, they've taken the first, hardest step, even if they haven't gone nearly enough. It's hard to adopt a new world view, harder still to take one you've loved and kill it to make room for something new. Because honestly, their view of the world, as naive as it is, gives them more hope than ours does. Things can seem pretty damned bleak from where I'm sitting. I've had time to get used to it. It probably is incredibly frightening to someone like them.

I don't know if they'll ever move further along the path than they are now, but like we've learned, once you start to notice things, you keep noticing more as time goes on. It's just a matter of how far an individual might go, and fast they get there. It's our job to keep peppering them, keep nudging them along the path. Maybe some of them progress, maybe some don't, and maybe something they say or see gets passed on to someone else and that starts moving them. Whatever the case, I'll take the 40 or 50 something house wife who was a Q believer over them being a RNC drone, or worse, a MSNBC NPC.

Baby steps, always baby steps. It's the curse of the radical that no one else seems to be keeping up with you.
@Charles_in_Charge @neofugue @SilverDeth @mage @neofugue @Starprophet I was exactly the guy you described. Now I've blown past uncle A's philosophy into a neo-feudalist radical, so there's hope for everyone.

@CJ99 @SilverDeth @mage @[email protected] @Starprophet @Charles_in_Charge

When I said it was amusing to make fun of the normie, I meant so in a lighthearted manner.

If one reads Mein Kampf, it is clear that Hitler's message is one of unity. Making content hostile to normies is the antithesis of what made National Socialism successful, which is why I try to make my posts as normie/female friendly as is possible.

The unspoken message to the normie must be, "I love you, please come home."

@[email protected] @CJ99 @SilverDeth @neofugue @Starprophet @Charles_in_Charge We don't like in 1930s germany, it's foolish to assume you have to copy what NS did in order to stage a revolt successfully

@mage @[email protected] @CJ99 @SilverDeth @Starprophet @Charles_in_Charge

Mussolini and Hitler both built up their teams and threatened civil war in order to secure power. Mussolini had an easier time than Hitler, but both had the same objective.

There are two paths to power: civil war or foreign conquest.

Either way, we need to build our strength, network, and prepare our pitch for the men we will be leading into war. Thankfully, given the advent of drones, we will need fewer men to win.

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