How dare you point out the kayfabe. :pepe_giggle:

@Quentel @leespringfield1903
So a Psyopped
Ukraine Sympathzing Pozer,
Azov battalion, "",supporter,who is anti Israel failed at an assassination attempt, these kinda of useful American idiots brains are wired with just enough ideology for activation against Trump and still think he is patriotic,curious is their a group of these clowns and what would you call them

... is their a group of these clowns

Don't know

... and what would you call them

Most call people that have roles in commercials an actor.

@Quentel @leespringfield1903 possibly so how you get off a weapons of mass destruction charge after a standoff with Police,answer sucking a Jew lawyer cock,this pussy had a fully auto weapon and plenty of targets and surrendered, and did no time,and traveled to Ukraine and Romania look like some one blacked his eye up over their in a video I saw and this Schizo didn't get the fucking message,with his half dyed hair looking stupid

@Scubbie @Quentel @leespringfield1903 the first shooter was in a Blackrock ad as well.

That's REALLY strange that both shooters have been in ads. What are the odds?


@Tfmonkey @Scubbie @Quentel @leespringfield1903

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”
Ian Fleming

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