@Tfmonkey Look at the Ukrainian Legion for the Freedom of Russia. Why does it look like the BLM fist?

@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey it doesn't. The BLM fist is just standard communist iconography. They're always pointed up to symbolize revolution and solidarity.

You posted what looks like a fist for punching. Easily could be a different meaning. They're pro "russian liberation" with that symbol so it could just be a symbol for attacking.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey
This fist is knuckles forward like it’s about to hit you.

The commie fist is closed palm forward trying to invite solidarity from the fellow resentful


@southpole21 @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey The BLM fist is for America watching Ukraine get fucked. The "Russian Legion" fist is for Ukraine's wide open asshole about to get fisted. Same fist, same asshole, same shit, same commies, different eyeballs watching this train wreck.

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