@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat
Staying on the topic of good news in the UK, let's recap what happened to Lawrence Fox.

He was a guest on GB news. He said some journo cunt was unfuckable. That's it. He was then fired. The guy hosting him was fired. Now the honklice have raided him. All because he dared to question the sexual attractiveness and minge mileage of a woman.



@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Come to the UK. We have AIDS, bedbugs, africans, muslims, muslim africans, all the flavors of gay, trans and child molesters. A communist utopia aside from all the loicences needed. Actually I need a licence for shitposting on the internet. Need to go to the Bum-Picking Department at the Ministry of Chav Affairs.

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