MGTOW vs Christian Nationalism

So TFM had a couple of superchats about Andrew Wilson, host of the debate channel "The Crucible".

Here's a recent panel hosted by Pearl that has been long overdue: Aaron Clarey (mgtow), Paul Elam (MRA/mgtow), Andrew Wilson (orthodox), Timothy Gordon (catholic).

This was awesome.


@UncleIroh Awesome, starting to listen to this now. It's been awesome hearing Andrew Wilson tear through debates, even though I think he has a few blind spots.

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Agreed, he's generally awesome and it's been great watching him tear feminists a new asshole, especially with his "women can't enforce their own rights" argument.

But he has blind spots as you say. I agree with his long-term plan here, but what Paul Elam is on fire at the end of this panel and brings Andrew up short on a few things.


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