
MGTOW vs Christian Nationalism

So TFM had a couple of superchats about Andrew Wilson, host of the debate channel "The Crucible".

Here's a recent panel hosted by Pearl that has been long overdue: Aaron Clarey (mgtow), Paul Elam (MRA/mgtow), Andrew Wilson (orthodox), Timothy Gordon (catholic).

This was awesome.


There used to be a multiple section youtube channel by someone who I thought was called soylent Jeremy or soylent Jeremiah

He went through topics about different time periods in Biblical history compared to Anarcho Capitalism, he also conpared it with different sections of the Bible like Romans 13 & different topics like the non aggression principle

He believed the non aggression principle was taught in Christianity & so Christianity taught anarcho capitalism.

Can not find it now


The old testament taught nationalism having clear boundaries giving land to certain people groups that did not belong to the Israelites

The old testament was anarchistic they had no senate or congress vote on laws but the laws were made as a formal agreement by all the "men" and the God who talked to Moses as a mediator, the selection of a King was dissaproved of by God but permitted

Taxation in the form of tithes was optional no human agent would use force to collect tithes


The economics in the old testament were distributist but not statist communism

Certain families were given specific plots of land

This enabled everyone to have access to the means to produce their own wealth

But goods and services could be traded for and stealing & thus taxation was forbidden

Tithe was collected to help poor & religious duty obligated family lines but not enforced with violence

Poor could collect food from the edges of family plots but not deep inside

@shortstories @UncleIroh Ive been saying it decades
all this stuff is upheld by the state force system

Remove the state
and it all crumbles away

@charliebrownau @UncleIroh

In the Bible NT no absolute was established to know who owns what property unlike the family land plots in the OT

Maybe this was a matter of valuing life more than objective property & trying to outreach to all people in the world with a message against stealing, non defensive use of force & worship of & blind obedience of government authority figures which were literally called gods in the day

Maybe as a means to survival obedience when reasonable was encouraged

@shortstories @UncleIroh Do you use XMMP or Delta Chat or IRC ?

I dont use ((( TELEGRAM )))
I dont use ((( MATRIX )))
SimpleX is pretty good. But why not Matrix?
@gvs @UncleIroh @shortstories Did you even bother looking ((( WHO ))) was behind ((( MATRIX )))


It is true that Matrix massively leaks metadata. But so does xmpp. For secured decentralised protection of that there is simplex. Xmpp is vulnerable to the mitmls attack som government used against a russian server and that attack vulnerability has now been mandated in EU(SSR) law.
Irc has no encryption at all and deltachat being SMTP broadcasts metadata. In Belgium we are legally obligated to keep email log for a minimum of 2 years
@gvs @UncleIroh @shortstories Cant Delta Chat work with imap/pop3

Isnt imap just deletes the stuff off the server
after the client downloads it
IMAP is only for reading mail, SMTP is requited to send it. Deltachat leverages that
Pop3 also does not send mail. IMAP and pop are retrieval only, SMTP on the other hand only sends mail.


I think you accidentally replied to the wrong post when talking about internet, electronic, software, hardware things

This was originally a post about politics and religion about Christianity and Nationalism or the video or the person in the video unless they mention those things in the video

@shortstories @gvs @charliebrownau

Yup, wrong thread asshats. But also interesting. Made a separate reply, now get off my lawn fuckers.

@UncleIroh @gvs @charliebrownau

I think that they are "Catholic" is highly problematic. I want to see a debate between pro polygyny Christians vs MGTOW

@UncleIroh Awesome, starting to listen to this now. It's been awesome hearing Andrew Wilson tear through debates, even though I think he has a few blind spots.


Agreed, he's generally awesome and it's been great watching him tear feminists a new asshole, especially with his "women can't enforce their own rights" argument.

But he has blind spots as you say. I agree with his long-term plan here, but what Paul Elam is on fire at the end of this panel and brings Andrew up short on a few things.


@UncleIroh Such a shame that shill/grifter pearl had to be the one to organize and host a panel.

She can fuck off. Coal burner, approaching the wall, unoriginal, and a shill.


> Coal burner, approaching the wall, unoriginal, and a shill.

I never understood the hate she gets tbh. At this point a woman is the only one capable of doing what she does without being immediately shut down.

I don't care that she stands on the shoulders of giants, I care about the message, and I can acknowledge that she has put in a good amount of hard work thus far, like reaching out to OG's Elam, Karen Straughan, Erin Pizey, etc..

@UncleIroh @sardonicsmile She seems like a chameleon lizard brain doing a study or report to me,her motives are questionable masquerading as curiosity for the life time grift expect a book and her doing the mainstream circuit once she has concluded her research

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