For any of you guys that ever worried about your dick size.

Keep in mind the average vaginal depth is 3.77 inches.

So unless the girl:

1. Is a genetic freak

2. Ran through

3. Has had multiple kids

Moral of the story: Don't worry about your dick size, worry about pleasuring your partner.


I wouldn't even worry about pleasuring your partner. Sure, mutual pleasure is a nice diversion, but it should never be the goal. That way lies simping and entitlement.

Another truth that young men in particular often struggle with is that an important source of pleasure for women is in being used. They take great pleasure in being used and being useful to a man.


@UncleIroh @basedbagel
The dick size paranoia comes from the same place being needy for a woman's validation comes from.
Your dick could be gigantic, but if you come off like a little needy bitch in any god damn way, she'll be just as turned off and literally disgusted by you.

That's why what Iroh said is true. If a woman wants you, she'll want to be fucked like a whore. The last thing she wants is some needy faggot looking for dick approval.

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@red_dread @basedbagel

Nailed it. Don't be a "needy faggot looking for dick approval" 🤣

That's the quote right there.

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