Just thinking: The hardest period/test for a man is in his 20's.
The pull for pussy is highest but is ability to leverage for it is weakest. A lot of dumb shit happens here.
If you can escape from them with no kids, no wife, no charges, and no debt, then you are in a good position to be set, for Life.

@sardonicsmile True, I often look back on this period of my life grateful not having made worse mistakes. Somehow I narrowly escaped the unfortunate outcomes most men deal with.

@red_dread @sardonicsmile Feels like me now in my 27 I have only some saving, car and part time job.😇 .


@Stahesh @sardonicsmile You're ahead of the game kid, keep at it. I often call it the pink heroin, the thirst for pussy is so strong I've seen wise men destroy their entire lives just to attain it.
Be grateful for your freedom, live simply, and most of all learn to unconditionally love yourself.

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