Another rant.

woman now a day complain, men are not approaching them, HOW CAN WE?? since we were kids, we have been shamed and punished fir approaching woman, and the rare few moments we do, we get rejected.

THE MOMENT WE DO IT, WE GET PTSD FROM IT!!! and another thing, i already had this opinion but, i saw someone bringing it up, about ED been an emotional thing, NO SHIT!! compare this, with porn, we find chicks that look like the chicks and fap, in reality, REJECTIN AFTER REJECTION... so ED


@RodrickSage They only want chad to approach them.
We live in a Gynocentric age where a man pursuing a woman is a dangerous prospect.
The ambiguous meaning of "misogyny: is: what comes down to: beta males should not approach me; it should be illegal for them to approach me.

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