@basedbagel While you were grinding; working 13 hr days, diet and gym regimen; hoping one day you can win the girl of your dreams. Chad just texts her, "you busy" and it is game over.
Even average females have been living Your dream life for the last 15 years. Fulfilling MOST of their sexual fantasies well before age 28. Getting showered with money, gifts, and attention.
@basedbagel Thank you for your kind words. I have learned that the sooner you can "match" what you see in the Real world with what you're thinking of, in your mind, Life becomes "easier".
You stop "trying" and "forcing" things. You just accept it and then try to find your place in the world. Usually a quiet, secluded place... and just be fearfully thankful that it isn't worse, for us. I am glad for these forums; to meet Men who understand these harsh Truths on the same level.