You are just a tool, to them.

Aside: A Chinese female trying to speak in ebonic tribe-speak to seem hip and trendy.

@Stahesh Well, I would not call this "logic" or "smart".
This is more "cleverness" and how a female uses her ability to manipulate men using her sexuality to put herself in a better position to acquire resources and protection. To Survive, at ALL costs.

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh I was reading Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell some months ago, I didn’t finish the whole book but Sowell basically states that current black culture and Ebonics has its origins from redneck/cracker culture in the antebellum south, and redneck southern culture comes from Northern Britain, Welsh, and Scottish Highlands during the 18th century.

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh that Chinese woman trying to speak in slang honestly sounds cringy and unnatural. I used to try and talk in slang in hs but quickly stopped doing it throughout college and post college.


@I_AmTheKnight @Stahesh I have to slow down and actively think about what to say if I were to talk like that. It is so unnatural and cringe, to me.

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