
There was a Korean woman who covered pizza in tin or aluminum foil before sticking it in the oven

It got stuck to the pizza so it had to be peeled off if you did not want to eat the foil

I realized it might have happened because she was not taught how to cook pizza in Korea since it is much more popular to cook in your over in USA than in Korea

She might have thought if you wrap potatoes in metal foil then you should do the same for pizza when you stick it in the oven

You shouldn't wrap potatoes in foil. It makes them soggy instead of crispy skin

@bobbala @sardonicsmile

Is there anything you should wrap in metal foil before cooking instead of cooking on or in reusable cookware

I suppose it has it's purposes. Anything you want to keep moist. Other vegetables?

@bobbala @shortstories This was to highlight the absolute incompetence of the modern female. Especially, when it comes to the domestic responsibilities/tasks. This does not have a purpose. There are specially designed *plastic* microwavable cookware with lids (which you should not use anyway due to microplastics; use glass) to heat food in a microwave.

C'mon. Even us he man womenhaters love 'em just the way they are.

@bobbala @sardonicsmile

So the point of this post is not about Japanese women or Japanese people but women of all races?


@shortstories @bobbala Yes. I think women are women, everywhere you go.

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@sardonicsmile @bobbala

I met a woman that refused to let her family own a microwave and the closest thing she had was a microwave oven or some other object that looked like a microwave that she said was not a microwave

She said microwaves are dangerous

@bobbala @sardonicsmile

It was some claim she made about the radiation or electromagnetic waves from microwaves harming people nearby the microwave but not inside the microwave when the microwave was running

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