Just thinking:

The ONLY one they mock and insult is: Vance.

Zuckerberg: Asian wife
Trump: Slavic wife
Bezos: Latina gf
McConnell: Asian wife
Vance: Asian-Indian wife
Jeb bush: Latina wife
Musk: Canadian ex wife

@sardonicsmile Vance is someone in the spotlight, as I do recall many of the same people mocking Vance would be the same type that I recall mocking Jeb Bush and McConnell regarding their wives.

As for others, Zuckerberg and Bezos were not (supposedly) conservative political figures, so they would not be mocked in this way. No point in purity testing those who are not trying to be on "your team."


@houseoftolstoy I'm not sure this is a Conservative/Liberal delineation. There is only one variable that is noticeable.

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