
The Jewish new year is counterfeit

In Exodus 12 Passover is supposed to occur on the first month of the year

But Jews celebrate new Years on Rosh Hoshanah many months after passover on the wrong date according to the old testament

There is no Judeo Christianity

Judaism is the systematic rejection of the Christian Old Testament

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@shortstories the Bible isn't a historical document. Nobody here cares about Christianity versus Jews. Maybe join poast instead of merovingian club.


Confusing because there are multiple websites

Some people have an identical username on multiple of these websites

Would it help to do mgtow stuff here and have a different account for Jew stuff

Originally created an account with

matrix dot org

then read that it is not secure then deactivated it

Then went

and found I can easily create a user

I assumed merovingian was secure

Is secure to create users

Do you just go to website and sign up

@shortstories poast is a better instance for talking about jews constantly. You can follow me here from your poast account, but you'll be among more like minded people who are interested in engaging with you.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.